Earn the Right to Sell Through Content: Mastering the 80/20 Rule in Marketing

How Providing Value Can Transform Your Marketing Strategy and Boost Sales

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, building meaningful relationships with your audience is crucial. One of the most effective ways to foster these relationships is through a strategic approach to your content. I want to explain a concept I discuss with my clients often: the 80/20 rule in content marketing. This strategy emphasizes providing immense value to your audience while balancing it with promotional efforts.

Understanding the 80/20 Rule

When creating content—be it for social media, email campaigns, or blogs—it's essential to follow the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of your content should be value-driven, educational, and relevant, solving specific problems for your audience. Only 20% of your content should be directly promotional or sales-oriented, such as sharing testimonials, client stories, or highlights of your services.

This approach ensures that you earn the right to promote your products or services to your audience. Without first providing significant value, incessant promotional content can seem spammy and may turn people away rather than attract them.

The Power of Providing Value

So, why focus on value-added content? The answer lies in human psychology and the principles of reciprocity and trust. When you consistently provide helpful, relevant information, your audience begins to trust you. They see you as an authority and a reliable source of solutions. This trust forms the foundation of a strong relationship between you and your audience.

Think about the last time you made a significant purchase. Chances are, you researched and gathered information before committing. You probably bought from a source you trusted, one that had previously provided you with free, valuable insights. This is the kind of relationship you want to build with your audience.

Case Study: Earning the Right to Sell

A recent experience with a client exemplifies the importance of earning the right to sell through value-add content. My client felt uneasy about sending a promotional email because she felt that she hadn’t provided enough consistent, helpful content to her list. Her hesitation was a telling sign that she instinctively understood that her audience hadn't seen enough value over time to justify a sales pitch.

We discussed this feeling and aligned her strategy. I advised her to focus on creating a series of nurture-based emails packed with valuable information, resources, and insights. Over time, as her audience receives these benefit-rich emails, they will see the value she brings to the table and when the time comes to introduce a sales-oriented email, the response is likely to be more positive.

This experience reinforces the notion that before asking your audience to buy something from you, make sure they've received substantial value from your content.

Implementing the 80/20 Rule in Your Strategy

To effectively implement the 80/20 rule, begin by planning your content calendar. Ensure that for every piece of promotional content, you have four pieces that are purely value-driven. Here's how you can break it down:

1. Educational Content: Share tutorials, how-to guides, industry insights, and best practices. Anything that can help your audience solve a problem or learn something new.

2. Resourceful Content: Create downloadable resources like e-books, checklists, and templates that your audience can use.

3. Engagement Content: Ask open-ended questions, create polls, and encourage discussions to engage your audience and learn more about their needs and preferences.

4. Inspirational Content: Share success stories, motivational quotes, and case studies. These can inspire and add value to your audience’s journey.

5. Promotional Content: Now that you’ve provided a host of valuable resources, your audience is more likely to be receptive to testimonials, service highlights, or exclusive offers.

Building Relationships Through Content

At the heart of content marketing is relationship-building. It's essential to remember that your audience are not just numbers on an email list or followers on social media—they are real people with real problems. By genuinely aiming to solve their issues through your content, you demonstrate that you care about their success.

Consistently delivering value shows your audience that you understand their needs and are committed to addressing them. Over time, this positions you as a trusted partner, making your audience more open to purchasing your services.

Closing Thoughts

The 80/20 rule in content marketing is a powerful strategy to help you earn the right to sell to your audience. By committing to creating 80% value-add content and 20% promotional content, you build not only relationships but also trust and loyalty. Remember, marketing is not just about selling—it's about serving and solving problems. When you prioritize providing value, you'll find that sales will naturally follow.

So, how are you currently building relationships with your audience through your content? Are you truly earning the right to sell? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Note: This blog was written with the help of an AI tool called CastMagic*. The blog content is based solely on my original video below.
*Affiliate link. I may be compensated for purchases made from this link.


Embracing Authentic Marketing with CastMagic (AI Tool)