In Memory of John Biethan

The world lost a great soul on August 30, 2023. John Biethan, our friend, colleague and podcast expert passed away unexpectedly. The loss of his presence will be deeply felt by a vast number of people across the country. John touched many more lives than he, or anyone else, probably realized.

John made people feel incredibly special in the most genuine way. He fiercely advocated for those he trusted and admired. Aside from my close family and friends, I always thought of John as my biggest cheerleader, and I've heard others share the same. John dedicated his work to helping people tell their stories and share their expertise through podcasting, because he truly believed that everyone has something of value to say. He advocated for elevating women's voices to be heard through his podcast, What Has My Attention - an admirable passion that I wish we saw more men prioritize these days.

John was the kind of guy that felt like an adopted Uncle. Funny, warm, and authentic, with a genuine gift for making others feel welcome. As a guest on his podcast twice, I felt so at ease when chatting with John. Whether we were talking about marketing, music or what my son was up to these days - I knew he really cared about what I had to say. It's just the way he was - always taking a genuine interest in what others wanted to talk about.

I was fortunate to have John as a founding member in my Monthly Marketing Seminar membership. He showed up religiously every month to our meetings and was never one to "phone it in." John was consistently engaged - asking thoughtful questions and extending the conversation in meaningful ways. His presence will be deeply missed.

Some of my other members shared their thoughts and feelings after hearing the news of his passing:

  • "John was such a bright light. A kind and generous man. I didn’t know him well but he left a powerful impression."

  • "John was a master of ideas and knew how to share with our group in an informative, creative, funny and understandable way. His kindness and knowledge will be deeply missed in our group, and beyond."

As I've taken time to reflect on all that I've learned from John and what I'd like to carry on in his memory, I think it boils down to this:

  • Always tell people how much you appreciate and admire them. You wouldn't want to leave this world having left those things unsaid.

  • Whenever you are in a position to do so - elevate people's voices to be heard. Especially those who are marginalized or underrepresented.

  • Give people the gift of undivided attention. To listen thoughtfully and without judgment is a rare thing these days.

  • It's true - people may forget what you said and did, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.

I can honestly say that this world was a better place with John in it, and it's hard to imagine how we move forward without him. He was a gentle soul who cared deeply for others and wasn't afraid to freely give his time, energy, money and kind words. If we can all carry on even a tiny thread of that, the fabric of humanity will be better for it.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts and memories of John in the comments below. My hope is that this can be a place for those who knew him to find community and support during this time of grieving.


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